57 Desenho VIP Comissário WILLIAM FRANCIS que eu conheci
In September of 1971, they entered the School for Officer Training in New York City as part the“Blood and Fire” session of cadets. On July 1, 2007, Commissioners William and Marilyn Francis assumed appointments as Territorial Commander and Territorial President of Women’s Ministries for Canada and Bermuda, respectively. William Francis, a second-generation Salvationist, was born and raised in Troy, New York. Upon graduating from high school, he entered Houghton College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1966, having majored in musi and historhey were honorably retired from active service in June 2011
Commissioner William Francis was elected President of the 2011 High Council called to elect The Salvation Army’s next international leader known as the General. Commissioner Francis was subsequently nominated as a candidate for General. William and Marilyn have conducted many tours to the Holy Land.
Como o conheci?
How I first met him?
Na minha primeira visita a Israel, fui batizado nas águas do rio Jordão, exatamente neste lugar. Na foto acima estamos esperando descer às águas pelo líder de nossa excursão, William Francis; na foto abaixo, estou com o "certificado de batismo", uma camiseta com os dizeres: "Eu fui batizado no rio Jordão".
On my first visit to Israel, I was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River, right in this place. In the photo above we are hoping to get down to the waters by the leader of our tour, William Francis; in the photo below, I have the "baptism certificate", a t-shirt with the sayings: "I was baptized in the Jordan River".
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