Paulo Franke

02 julho, 2022


Meu neto David quando pequeno exibindo seu brinquedo... um helicóptero!

Naquela tarde em Hollywood realizei meu sonho de menino... andar de helicóptero! 

Clique para ver "minha grande aventura, cara de curtos 15min":

Acho que da nossa família fomos eu e o concunhado os únicos a andar de helicóptero.... ou não?

Amiga Christine Mason sobrevoando de helicóptero o Grand Canyon.

Heliporto do Mirante Dona Marta. Fonte: Helisight.

Eleanor Roosevelt certamente não sobrevoou as Cataratas do Iguacu 

 de helicóptero, mesmo assim ao contemplar tanta beleza exclamou:

"Pobre Niagara!"

The Salvos will primarily use the R66 Turbine to support remote outback communities and stations in central and north Queensland, which covers a massive 800,000 square kilometres of land. The Salvation Army’s pilot Simon Steele and his wife Natalie Steele are responsible for the operation and work associated with the new aircraft.

This is the second new helicopter The Salvation Army has purchased from Heliflite, with a R44 Raven II previously delivered in 2010. Earlier this year, the R44 played a significant relief role during the Queensland floods, with Simon and Natalie flying in emergency food and medical supplies to remote stations.

The new R66 Turbine helicopter was sponsored by major milk and dairy producer Parmalat, and this R66 (serial number 0054) is the first R66 in Australasia with air-conditioning optioned on.



- Quem inventou o helicóptero?

- Conheca a primeira mulher a comandar o helicoptero da PM de São Paulo:

- Outra acão de salvamento do helicoptero Águia da PM:

Um salvamento de helicoptero na neve (video)

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