Paulo Franke

22 junho, 2022

Kentucky Fried Chicken... Sabor Inigualável / Incomparable Taste...

Meu livro "Edificacão Diária" e a leitura sobre o KFC.
My book "Building Daily" and the lecture about KFC.

1 Corinthians 10 31 
When arriving São Paulo I found so many KFC restaurants that I couldn't wait to taste the delicious chicken fried chicken from Colonel Sanders' recipe. One day happened and after the meal to went out reading the paper towel on which is printed the story of the famous fried chicken, the story of a tasty recipe that has been circulating the world by mouth for over 60 years. I learned that in the 30's Colonel Sanders developed a mixture with 11 herbs and spices in a cooking technique that is still used today in the KFC restaurant chain around the world. The recipe began to gain fame and the world being savored in more than 60 countries. Joining the amount of KFC chickens consumed worldwide they would form a line that would go around the Earth around the Equator about 13 times. Never Colonel Sanders would imagine that the recipe would go in mouths and tongues like that, so it ends advertising on the paper towel. What was not written but what I knew is that the said Colonel Sanders was a great friend of The Salvation Army and that make us imagine that there was no lack of donations of fried chicken to our social institutions in the land of origin of KFC.
After this comment I think of another recipe of proven success known to many while others remain a mystery, the recipe for happiness. There is no shortage of false religions to get ready  as exclusive distributors of this recipe that everyone wants to know; however many people have tasted it to discover later that its taste is bitter and the price of their involvement is very dangerous.  
 Christianity when followed according to the rules is a recipe with an unmistakable and unparalleled flavor in all countries of the world, forming a blessed network that speaks countless languages ​​and what is the main thing to taste a proven recipe for happiness based on faith in peace and love Without forgetting about the nutrition it provides to face life. I tasted and recommend this recipe of Christianity that goes around the world by word of mouth to mouth for 2,000 years 

 Uma foto histórica do Coronel Sanders recebendo um prêmio do Exército de Salvacão.
A historic photo of Colonel Sanders receiveing a Salvation Army award.

Estive no KFC em Israel...
I have been in KFC in Israel...

... também em Nuremberg...
... also in Nuremberg...

... em Copenhagen etc. Copenhagen etc.

Normalmente balde significa... trabalho duro, mas este comer muito bem!!
Usually bucket means... hard work, but this one eating very well!!

Depois de comer, este guarda fotografias.
After eating, this one store photos.

Finalmente, podemos encontrar o KFC em Helsinki!!
Finnaly, we can find KFC in Helsinki!!

Excelente lugar para um encontro de família!!
Excellent place for a family encounter!!


Norman Rockwell e seu fantástico desenho, "dando gracas".
Norman Rockwell's fantastic drawing "saying grace".


"Pelos alimentos, pelas bêncãos Tuas,
Por tantas coisas, gracas Nosso Deus!"

"For the food, for Your blessings,
For so many things, thanks Our God!"



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